I’ve Been Welcomed to Night Vale

I’m going to just go ahead and assume you are familiar with the bizarre podcast that is Welcome to Night Vale.

Night Vale was new when I started college, and now it’s more than 50 episodes into its bimonthly series. I’ve been wanting to dive into a series for a while now– probably since I started college!– but I haven’t had the time. I was really jonesing for the time when I had a story to follow… House MD and the anime Fullmetal Alchemist are my all-time favorites, as well as some of the only series I’ve ever actually gotten into. ^_~

Well, now I have the time to invest in such a story. I’m locked in my apartment at sundown to avoid the dangers of a foreign city, and I need to have something to do throughout the 6-8 hours from when I come home to when I actually go to sleep.

Mostly, reading and writing fills that space. (And oh am I pleased with that.) But I need something fun to do, too. And so I listen to Welcome to Night Vale.

The best way to listen to this podcast is to pretend you are a citizen of Night Vale, nodding your head at references to characters you pretend to actually know, visualizing scenes as if they’re as familiar as your hometown… Night Vale is weird. It’s a stretch of the imagination. And I love it.